s Accessibility - Hull Museums Collections


Hull City Council is committed to improving access to services for people who have disabilities or for whom English might not be their first language. To make this Collections website as accessible as possible, the following features have been implemented:

Standards compliance

This site conforms to the W3C's WAI Accessibility Guidelines, Level Single-A. The code is valid XHTML 1.0 and valid CSS2.

If you have any problems accessing this site, or any other technical difficulties, please contact us.

Changing the size of the text

This can be done in one of two ways – by adjusting the setting in the web browser (usually available from the 'View' menu). Alternatively at the top of every page are "A A A" which allows you to increase or decrease the size of the text.

Changing the contrast of the page

In addition to changing the size of the text the website also allows you to change the colour contrast. The icons in the top right corner allow you to select either 'black on white' or 'white on black' options.

Print friendly page

Most pages feature a "Print" icon just beneath the search bar which allows you to print the key information from the page excluding the top and side navigation elements.

Images and alt tags

The site uses images and graphics to enhance the look and feel of the site. We have used 'Alt' tags so that you will know what the image is for those using a screen-reader or are browsing the site with images turned-off. Where non-compliant content is provided reasonable effort will be taken to make accessible and equivalent alternatives available.

Supported browsers

This website is designed to support a wide range of browsers including as a minimum: Internet Explorer v6; FireFox v1; Mozilla v1; Netscape v8 and Opera v9. For Mac users it supports Safari v1; FireFox v1 and Opera v9.