s Adopt a Painting - Vertumnus and Pomona - Hull Museums Collections

Adopt a Painting - Vertumnus and Pomona

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Related objects in collection
Vertumnus and Pomona

Vertumnus and Pomona, mid 17th century
by Paulus Bor (1603 - 1671)

This important old master features in the Gallery's catalogue, 'Medieval to Regency' and forms part of our prestigious holdings of Dutch 17th century works.

Work required
Cleaning and consolidation of the paint surface is essential as the tension of the canvas also needs to be corrected. This will dramatically improve the appearance of the work and ensure it can remain on display in years to come.

Estimated conservation cost: 2,450 pounds

Catalogue information
Accession No: KINCM:2005.4766
Dimensions: 107 x 84cm