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Key Information

The Rudston Venus Mosaic
Object Name:
250 - 300
Location on Display:
Hull and East Riding Museum - Roman Gallery
Accession No:
Other Numbers:
KINCM:1986.1826.6326; 1962.129
Brief Description:
Mosaic depicting Venus, a triton and animals of the hunt. Excavated from Building 1, Rudston Villa, East Yorkshire. Roman. A high resolution image of this object is available from www.bridgemanimages.com. Reference No: ERM 110779.


Physical Information

The mosaic comprises a panel 3.20m square between two attached oblong panels. The central panel depicts Venus holding a mirror and the golden apple, together with a triton (or merman) carrying a torch. Around them are animals of the arena/hunt. The lion and bull have been given titles :- '(LEO) F(L)AMMEFER' - the 'fiery lion' and 'TAURUS OMICIDA' - the 'bull called the man-eater'. A leopard and a stag also appear. There are naked hunters, one of whom is a woman, between the animals and running in their direction. Each corner of the square contains a bird. The oblong panel bears an outward facing bust with a staff (resembling a caduceus) and clusters of grapes. This seems to be an amalgam of Bacchus and Mercury.