s The Hull Tapestry Project - Hull Museums Collections

The Hull Tapestry Project

Detail form Hull Tapestry

The Hull Tapestry depicts, in colourful and varied stitch, the history and achievements of the city of Kingston upon Hull. The idea was first suggested in June 1990 and was approved by the City Council the following year and the designer Mrs Pat Mackrill was asked to consider possible scenes for inclusion in the panels.

A wide range of organisations and individuals were approached to take part in the project and more than 100 people expressed a desire to be involved and indeed the project has been fortunate to have so many people so willing to give their time and effort so generously.

The Work Begins

In early May 1991 work began on samplers to test the abilities of the volunteers and as a means of teaching the different stitches involved. The volunteers worked under the supervision of Suzanne Flew and Eileen Chapman both of whom remain in this capacity more than 16 years after work first started. Later that year the late Queen Mother visiting Hull to re-open the Ferens Art Gallery commented on the design of the first panel showing Charles I being refused entry to the City at the Beverley Gate.

In November 1991 the themes for the individual panels were decided upon and work started on the first panels. They are currently on open access in a dedicated room inside the Guildhall.