s Portrait of Cornelia Burch, Aged Two Months - Hull Museums Collections

Portrait of Cornelia Burch, Aged Two Months

This exceptional painting is the earliest portrait in our collection. Its naturalistic style suggests that it is by a Dutch artist and an inscription on the architectural detail (upper right) identifies the sitter as Cornelia Burch, painted in 1581 at the age of two months. It has been suggested that Burch is a corruption of the name 'Burgh' and that the child is the daughter of Thomas, Lord Burgh (1558-97). Burgh was the English Ambassador to Scotland in the late 16th century. Our research into her real identity is continuing. Depictions of such young children in 16th century portraits are extremely rare owing in part to the very high infant mortality rate. Cornelia is presented in elaborate swaddling bands, as was customary for the period. She is displayed upon a handsomely decorated cushion and bearing cloth which suggest that this was a christening portrait. The gold cross and fine rattle-cum-teether, made of a shark's tooth, support this theory. Over her bonnet Cornelia wears a cap that is likely to have been modelled on her mother's.