s Sir George and Lady Strickland in the Grounds of Boynton Hall - Hull Museums Collections

Sir George and Lady Strickland in the Grounds of Boynton Hall

Devis specialised in the conversation piece - a new tradition in English painting of representing real people 'at home'. His patrons came from the Northern middle class rather than the aristocracy. The naive charm of Devis' work is much more highly thought of today than it was in his own time. Painted in the year of their marriage, Sir George and Lady Strickland are shown stiffly posed in a manner to suggest their good breeding. The small dog and honeysuckle have been included as traditional symbols of the couple's affection and fidelity. The classical landscape in the background is a poetic interpretation of the Boynton estate and reinforces the presentation of Sir George and Lady Strickland as an elegant and educated couple.