s Egypt - Hull Museums Collections


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The discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun was a discovery which gripped the nation and the world. In 1924 a replica was made of the tomb objects. These objects are now in our collection. Read on to learn more about how the replicas are housed in Hull and why Howard Carter was outraged by them.

The Discovery of Tutankhamun The Discovery of Tutankhamun

The discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamen has been hailed one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the 20th Century. Read on to discover how the publicity that surrounded his discovery ensured that Tutankhamen has become immortalised in popular culture.

Objects in the collection

The Tutankhamun Replicas The Tutankhamun Replicas

The discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamen had caught the public imagination, leading to a widespread 'Tutmania' and a popular craze for all things Egyptian. Discover how a replica tomb was created at the British Empire Exhibition of 1924 - much to the annoyance of Howard Carter.

Objects in the collection

The Tutankhamun Replicas at Hull Museums The Tutankhamun Replicas at Hull Museums

Howard Carter had never seen the replicas, and they were far better reproductions than he gave them credit for. Read on to find out how long it took William Aumonier to complete the replicas and how they came to be in Hull Museums Collections.

Objects in the collection